Last night, I was just about to drift off to sleep when I suddenly thought; my blog must be getting on a bit by now. I checked the date of my first post and I was just in time for my blog birthday! My first blog post was a film review, and so I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself properly now.
My name is Emma Catherine Daisy Harold. I am a 21 year old from Essex. Daisy was my Nan, who sadly passed away with breast cancer before I was born. I can tell by the way that my dad talks about her, that she was a lovely lady and a huge inspiration in his life. I love the name Daisy; some of my friends actually call me Daisy because they think it suits me more. For these reasons, Daisy Chain was created.
I started my blog on 5th August 2010. On 2nd September 2010, I left England to go travelling in Australia for 3 months. I created my blog as a way to keep my friends and family up to date with what I was doing whilst I was away. This didn't go exactly to plan because when I was away I spent most of my time in the middle of no where, travelling around on a bus with no internet connection. But I decided to keep my blog going when I come home as a way to keep hold of my memories.
My blog is filled with the things I love in my life. This could be the food I eat, the films I see or the things I buy. Since travelling around Australia, I have caught the travel bug. You'll see lots of posts about where I've been and where I hope to go in the future.
I would like to take this moment to say a huge thank you to everyone who reads my blog. I know that everyone says it, but I really do appreciate all the comments I get. I love reading them and discovering new blogs and meeting new people.
I wonder what the next year of blogging will bring...
1 comment:
Ah I love the reason for your blog name!
Great post too, it's easy to forget 99.9% of readers haven't been with us since day one and don't know the simplest things about us!
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