Saturday, 30 June 2012

wild hearts can't be broken

I can not handle hangovers at all. I have spent the majority of the day in bed after a great night out in London with Faye. After a 5 hour "nap" I managed to muster up the energy to go out to dinner with my mum and dad in Leigh-on-Sea. It was such a lovely evening!

Shoes [old] - River Island
Jeggings - Primark
T-Shirt - eBay
Bag - eBay
Casio Watch - Asos
Earrings - Broome, Australia
Sunglasses - Ray Ban


Anonymous said...

You definitely look cheery for a hangover. I usually look like an cave woman

katymitten said...

you always look so happy :) and considering you have a hangover.. you look amazing!x