Tuesday, 3 July 2012


I can not believe this weather - I had a feeling I was being too optimistic with the original plans! But do not fear, the blogger meet will still go ahead!

We will now be meeting in Henry's in Covent Garden. Covent Garden is one of my favourite places in London and I usually pop in to Henry's when I'm there.

Henry's is really easy to get to. The nearest station is Covent Garden and it is right near Punch and Judy's. Here's the address for anyone using Google Maps: 5-6 Henrietta Street, Covent Gardens, London, WC2E 8PS.

I still need to email them to book a table, but just so I know how many to make the booking for, please let me know if you can definitely make it, by Thursday if possible :)

We'll still meet this Saturday - 7th July at midday.

Here is the link for the menu if you are wanting to buy food. The cocktails are also pretty damn good!

I hope to see you there :) you can reach me by email: the-daisychain@hotmail.co.uk or on twitter: @emmaharold or you can comment below :)


Anonymous said...

yay :) I cant wait! see you all there ladies! xoxox

FashionAndMe said...

Hey Emma,

I can come by for a bit! Would be nice to see you again and catch up! Plus you mentioned cocktails... xx