Tuesday, 24 July 2012

wake up kid, we've got the dreamer's disease

I have been full of a cold and conjunctivitis the last few days and feeling extremely run down. I can only blame myself. If I haven't done anything for a while then I feel like I need to make loads of plans with everyone I know. It wouldn't be as bad if this was just a big night out, but it's not. I don't have one large group of friends that all know each other and they live all over the place. This is the end result of about 3 months worth of travelling all over the place, late nights and early mornings. I seriously need to learn how to balance everything.

The last time I was feeling run down I decided to give my bed a make over.

Duvet and Pillows in Air Force Blue - Marks and Spencers
Lights - eBay
Dream Catcher - Vegas
Keep Calm and Carry On Cushion - Past Times
Union Jack Cushion - Past Times
Fern and Striped Cushion - Being Little Shop
Glow in the Dark Stickers - Paperchase


Miss Dennis-Reid said...

Oh My you have been a busy lady, I hope you feel better soon xxx

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon! Love the fairy lights :) xxxx

Mozzypop said...

Absolutely love the union jack pillows, they are swissshhhhh!

Feel better soon Emma :-)

Dayner x my blog - mozzypop.com

Emma - daydream believer said...

I LOVE the fairy lights, they are so pretty! I love decorating my room, I really can't wait till I have a whole house to decorate! Haha.

And thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog, it definitely made me smile!! Your blog is one of my favorites too!!

Emma xx