Tuesday, 18 September 2012

walk away or try harder

I love blogging for so many reasons but the main one being the people that I get to meet. I met Laura at the very first #ldnbloggermeet that I organised and we have been great friends ever since. Last weekend we went for a 4 day break to Cornwall. Laura is one of the kindest people I know and she was lovely enough to buy me this infinity bracelet. I haven't taken it off since; it's been in the swimming pool and in the shower and it's still looking as good as new. Thank you Laura for the lovely gift.


Unknown said...

I looooove asos :) <3

I would really appreciate if you checked out & maybe followed my photography blog <3

Laura Holt said...

Aww! you're more than welcome, best part of blogging for me has been meeting you! xxx