Saturday, 6 August 2011

I woke up tired of life

For the last week or so, my life has been all about my bed. I have been going on my laptop, eating my dinner, tweeting and sending silly amounts of emails; all whilst being snuggled up in my bed. I've been feeling slightly under the weather but I'm determined to have a brilliant weekend, rain or shine!

Not many of you may know, but I actually love rugby! Today, I am going to watch England Vs Wales play rugby at Twickenham. I bought me and my dad tickets ages ago and I can't believe how quickly it's come about! I actually love Danny Care, and he will be playing along side Jonny Wilkinson - I am a very happy girl right now!

Tomorrow, I am meeting up with the lovely Aimee for brunch in London. It'll be the first time we meet each other in person and I'm really looking forward to it, but slightly nervous at the same time. We will be brainstorming some more ideas for the London Blogger Meet and I will do a blog post when I get home to keep you all up to date.
For those of you on twitter, I was thinking we could use hash tag #ldnbloggermeet, so I'll be able to answer any questions you have and everyone else can see the Q&A's in case they have the same query.
Becky has created a wonderful badge for the event. It links back to her page, where she'll update the details as we come up with them.
I thought I'd leave with you one of my favourite songs. I hope you all have a very lovely weekend.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like me week! I love your duvet! Have a great weekend

Unknown said...

Ahh thanks for linking to me and my badge!

I hope you and Aimee have a lovely time tomorrow and get lots done - it'll be 10th Sept before we know it :)
